Russ Taylor and Maria Woolverton hosted our group for as visit to the XT Brewery. Russ Taylor is a member of the group, and as plans were being formulated to create the XT brewery he was a regular attendee to our monthly meetings, but the pressure and sheer amount of work has kept him away…Continue reading XT Brewery Tour – 9th March 2013
Category: Past Events
Little Orchard Company & Thorn Brook Cider Tour
A small number of Oxford Brewers had a trip out to the Oxfordshire / Warwickshire border to visit the Little Orchard Company that produces Thorn Brook cider. Partners Tony Harrison and Josephine Dakin set up the company a few years back as an alternative to their I.T. careers and following on from a masters degree…Continue reading Little Orchard Company & Thorn Brook Cider Tour
Taste & Swap Day 2012
The Oxford Brewers Group’s Annual taste and swap event was held on the 16th June, at the now customary Marston Scout Hut Hall. This year’s speaker was Mattias Sjoberg, group member and founder / owner of the Compass Brewery. Mattias told us all about the journey of setting up his brewery and his beers. Mattias took…Continue reading Taste & Swap Day 2012
Wychwood Brewery Tour – 2012
The Oxford Brewers Group held a return visit to the Wychwood Brewery in Witney on the 25th April. It had been some time in the organising, but well worth the wait. We had requested a brewer show us round, and we were graced with the presence of both the head brewer and second brewer. Dave,…Continue reading Wychwood Brewery Tour – 2012
Taste & Swap 2008
The 2008 Taste & Swap meeting took place at the Marston Scout hut in central Oxford. Jeff Rosenmeier gave a talk about moving from being a home brewer to becoming a professional brewer, and all that was involved in this fair sized undertaking. Will brought along some sour dough bread made from some soured beer…Continue reading Taste & Swap 2008
Collaborative Brew
The Oxford Brewers decided that for our taste and swap meeting in July 2011, instead of a comparison brew (where we all bring along the same beer with one agreed variation, e.g. yeast, fermentation routine, etc.) we would all come together to create a beer together. We discussed the various beers we could make, settled…Continue reading Collaborative Brew
Taste & Swap 2011
The Oxford Brewers got together once again at the Marston Scout Hut in central Oxford for their annual Taste and Swap meeting. This year’s meeting was a little low on numbers for one reason or another, but even with a lower than usual turn out we still had an excellent day. Rob Neale, The Malt…Continue reading Taste & Swap 2011
Hook Norton Brewery Tour 2010
The Oxford Brewers Group took advantage of a rare opportunity for a weekend tour of the Hook Norton Brewery in the sleepy village of the same name. The tour was a little disappointing in so much as we had a tour guide who was reciting a script parrot fashion and didn’t know or understand brewing,…Continue reading Hook Norton Brewery Tour 2010
White Horse Brewery Tour 2008
The Oxford Brewers Group took a tour of the White Horse Brewery in June 2008. This was as a consequence of hearing the guys from White Horse give a talk to the Midlands Craft Brewers at their Banbury meeting that year. We felt we should give them a visit and see their set-up, which is…Continue reading White Horse Brewery Tour 2008
Taste & Swap 2007
The very first Oxford Brewers Taste and Swap day was held at the Kennington Village Hall just outside Oxford, heading towards Abingdon. Stonhelm, a local homebrew supply company came along and gave a brief talk and had a stall displaying some of their products. We also had a talk and a tutored tasting session lead…Continue reading Taste & Swap 2007