Hook Norton
Banbury, Oxfordshire OX15
Some of our members will attend the 2016 edition of Hooky Beer Fest. The festival is organised by Hook Norton brewery. It starts at noon and offers the option to stay at their camping grounds. The profits of the festival will go to charity.
For those not driving, it can be reached by bus or bike from Chipping Norton or Banbury, with Banbury easily reached by train from Oxford/Bicester and all stations south.
The entry pack for the festival, comprising a polycarbonate glass, tokens for two pints, a beer list and a pencil, is £10. A token gets you half a pint. If you are a cider drinker, (the cider bar is cash only) just get a glass when you come in (£6).
We ask for a donation from all campers per tent for the weekend and more per camper van or caravan. When you arrive please ensure you leave your car in the parking spaces in the middle of the field rather than next to your tent around the outside of the field as you will be taking up scarce camping space. Suggested donations this year are £10 per tent and £20 per camper van or caravan.
More info is available on the official website: http://www.hookybeerfest.co.uk/